Tips for the care of your pots: Extend their useful life and Improve their performance
Pots are essential elements in our kitchen, helping us prepare delicious dishes to enjoy with our families. But, did you know that the adequate maintenance of your pots can make a huge difference in its useful life and performance? With a little tender, love, and care you can keep your pots in excellent conditions for a very long time. In this article, we offer valuable advice for the optimal care of your pots, whether they are stainless steel, aluminum, cast iron, or non-stick coating.

1. Cleaning after each use
A fundamental step in keeping your pots in good condition is to clean them properly after each use. Wash them with hot water and a mild detergent, using a soft sponge or a soft bristle brush to eliminate any food waste. Avoid using metal scouring pads or abrasive cleners, as they could damage the surface of the pot.

2. Remove stains and food residues
If your pots have stubborn stains or residues, try this simple trick: Mix baking soda with water to form a paste and apply to the stains. Leave it on for a few minutes and then rub gently with a sponge. Baking soda is an excellent mild cleaner that won’t harm your pots and will help remove stubborn stains.

3. Proper drying
After washing your pots, be sure to dry them completely before putting them away. Trapped moisture could promote staining or corrosion, especially in stainless steel or cast iron pans. Use a clean, dry kitchen towel to dry them completely.

4. Avoid bumps and scratches
Treat your pots with care and avoid hitting or scraping them with metal utensils, as this can damage the coating or surface of the pots. Opt for silicone or wooden utensils, which are smoother and more friendly to nonstick surfaces.

5. Use of oils and fats
Before cooking, apply a small amount of oil or fat to the surface of the pot to prevent food from sticking. For cast iron pots, the regular application of a light coating of oil will help prevent rust.

6. Control the Fire
When cooking with your pots, adjust the heat to prevent the flames from going over the sides of the pot. Excessive heat can damage the pot handle or wear away the nonstick coating.

7. Proper storage
Store your pots in a dry, well-ventilated place to prevent moisture buildup. If you stack multiple pots, place a clean kitchen towel between them to protect their surfaces.

8. Inspect regularly
Carry out periodic inspections of your pots for signs of wear and/or damage. If you notice cracks, chips, loose parts, or loss of the nonstick coating, it may be time to replace the pot.
By following these tips, you will be able to prolong the useful life of your pots and keep them in optimal conditions ! Remember that proper care not only benefits your pots, but also ensures a more pleasant and healthy cooking experience. Enjoy cooking with your well – cared pots!