* Weekly Planning: Take time each week to plan your meals. Prepare a menu for the following days and create a shopping list with the necessary ingredients. Planning allows you to buy only what you need and prevents you from running out of cooking options.

* Ingredient Preparation: Wash, cut and prepare your ingredients in advance. You can make it on the weekend or in your spare time and store the ingredients in airtight containers in the fridge so they’re ready to use during the week.

* Batch Cooking: Prepare larger quantities of certain dishes and freeze them in individual servings. This way, you’ll have ready-to-eat meals on busy days or when you don’t have time to cook from scratch.

* Efficient Utensils and Appliances: Use utensils and appliances that help you save time in the kitchen. A pressure cooker, blender, food processor, or air fryer can make meal preparation quicker and easier.

* Quick and Easy Recipes: opt for recipes that require few ingredients and cooking time. There are many delicious and healthy recipes that can be prepared in less than 30 minutes, allowing you to enjoy a home-cooked meal without spending hours in the kitchen.

* Cleaning While Cooking: Take advantage of waiting times during cooking to clean and order the kitchen. This will cut down on the time it takes to clean up after you’ve finished cooking.

* Leftover Food: Take advantage of leftovers and create new meals with them. For example, you can use grilled chicken to make tacos the next day or add cooked vegetables to a salad.